You CAN Self Reiki

You CAN Self Reiki

It is a time of change, and a time of stress out there.  Seems like every day we take three steps forward into balance, and get shoved back two steps by things beyond our control.  We can’t always control all the externals, so self-care (managing the internals) is essential to surviving AND thriving. Giving yourself Reiki boosts any self-care routine.

Self-care is one of those individual things completely unique to you:  lifestyle, personal history, experience, and needs at a given time.  Starting with the physical body may be plenty to take on at first:  sleep well, eat well, drink more water, move yourself, and care for your hygiene.  If you have the capacity for more, then add:   environment, boundaries, nourishing joy, and focusing on positive goals or affirmations.  (Whew.  This is a lot to juggle.)

Yes, those ideas make great sense when you seek balance.  Still, my favorite self-care tool is to give myself Reiki.  What I love about self Reiki is that I can boost every self-care practice by allowing my Reiki to flow as part of that practice.

Just add Reiki!

Reiki? What is Reiki?

Reiki is a relaxation technique from Japan–many find that it comes to mean more to them as they learn.  Everyone I have talked to (or taught or worked on) feels better after Reiki.  The relaxation that comes with Reiki is deeper and more healing than simply laying down to nap.

Often Reiki is given in a similar setting to massage:  one practitioner providing Reiki, to one client, for a set fee, and length of time.  However, if YOU become a Reiki practitioner, you will be able to offer yourself a Reiki session wherever and whenever you like–for as long as you need!  FREE!

In fact, providing yourself with a powerful stress reduction tool, and means toward energetic healing if the main objective of Reiki I.  Self Reiki is the most important lesson of your first Reiki class.

How does Self Reiki work?

photo of right hand in chin mudra position with large bead braceletSelf Reiki can be given as part of a meditation practice, and we teach our students to sit and breathe with their Reiki (this is called Gassho, which means hands coming together).  Practitioners spend a few moments allowing their Reiki to flow, breathing and observing–morning and night.  Others might feel comfortable praying, or committing to the Reiki Ideals (turning from anger and worry, embracing gratitude, diligence, and kindness).

Your self-care needs are unique to you, so is each person’s relationship to Reiki.  How you invite it into your life, and how you choose to work with Reiki is completely your choice.  As a Reiki teacher, I’m do not teach dogma or beliefs, I simply provide approaches and techniques.

The unconditional love and compassion found in Reiki means each practitioner receives complete acceptance.  There is no way to give yourself Reiki incorrectly–except maybe to avoid giving yourself this beautiful gift of peace.

You are most definitely enough.  Just as you are.

Can I give myself Reiki if I don’t have much time?

Absolutely!  There are so many ways to explore and play with Reiki that will help you boost your own self-care.  Obviously, there are the meditation and formal self-healing practices mentioned above.  However, not everyone has time for a formal meditation practice, and there are ways that self Reiki can easily be woven into the regular patterns of your life.

Formal Self Reiki:  lay down and place hands on parts of yourself that need healing or pain relief.

Blessing food, water, medications:  add Reiki and intentions anything that goes on or in your body.  You can offer energy toward the benefits of medications, and reduce side effects.  Infuse food you prepare with unconditional love–and see how the taste improves!

Clearing sacred spaces:  work with Reiki to energetically clean spaces, tools, or vehicles.

Empower goals:  giving Reiki to your intentions, dreams, goals, and plans.  You may find it easier to take actions steps that move you toward your desired future.

All of these things can be done by Reiki I practitioners–with ease and joy.  In addition, all of these things can be done in moments as part of the warp and weft of every day.

Whatever your self-care routine, you can forklift your experience and inner balance by simply adding Reiki.  No need to schedule anything, go anywhere, or pay anyone anything (although you might still want to get a session from someone else now and then).  Learning Reiki is the gift you give yourself that literally keeps giving many times over.

The beauty of learning to give yourself Reiki as a Level I practitioner, is the commitment you bring to help yourself–to feel better, to heal, to become a better version of who you are.  Reiki is waiting, you just have to open the door, and get started.

Have Questions? GOOD!

two hands passing a black paper heartIf you’ve read this far, you probably have a few–or maybe you have an experience to share.  This is a safe space to explore and connect.

Online classes (including Reiki I) are coming via zoom in 2023 and beyond.  Check the calendar for upcoming events when you are ready to get started.  We’re looking forward to sharing the peace of Reiki with you!

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