Tool’s Day – Eliminate Decision Fatigue
Feeling overwhelmed, and just to many decision to make each day – trust me you are not alone. On average we make hundreds of decision each day – but are we using our decision making power to the best of our ability. Here are 5 easy ways to help eliminate decision fatigue.
Tool’s Day – Box Breathing
Looking for a quick and easy breathing technique? Try Box Breathing – you only have to remember to count to 4 and it is easy.
Tool’s Day – Worry Time
Do feel like sometime worrying take over – try this self care Tool’s Day tool and see if you can minimize some of that worry
Healing with Nutrition
Healing our Bodies with Nutrition As a craniosacral and polarity practitioner I have had the privilege of working closely with several clients who wanted to make changes to their lifestyles because they realized how unhealthy they had become. Although my involvement...
Tool’s Day – Hygge
Hygge is about time to relax and enjoy life’s quieter pleasure