This is so easy to make and use and can lift your mood in your home and office setting.And if you are anything like me you will soon have several of them around the house to use at any time.
Air Freshener | Tools Day
Let’s start with the basic air freshener.
In a spray bottle combine:
White vinegar
20-30 drops essential oils of your choice
Play around with the amount of essential oils you are using, some are stronger than others and some of our noses are more sensitive than others.
Here are just a few ideas of which essential oils to use:
Lavenderwill help to calm the senses.
Peppermint will be more uplifting.
Rosemary has been proven to help concentration.
Lemongrass can help with those lingering cooking odors.
Most important is trying different options and learning what works best for you.Maybe get really creative and mix a few oils together.
To get other recipes follow our Youtube channel or if you want to learn more about us check out our website
Hello my friends, it is TOOLSday. Finding Yourself is another quickie self-care recipe, guaranteed to leave you feeling just a little bit better. It just takes a minute, but don’t blame me if you want to spend another minute, and then another trying to really feel this one.
This is a recipe for taking one minute, at any time during any random day–whether you need it or not–to check in with yourself. Here are the basics for this Tools-day recipe:
Finding yourself – you will need
a safe place to breathe
willingness to unplug
good posture (for 1 minute)
time to take 3 deep breaths
Optional equipment:
essential oils,
cuddle buddies
floofs or other good buddies
Finding Yourself GOAL:
To find and hear your own heartbeat. Repeat as needed.
Finding Yourself Tutorial:
For those who want a little walk-through, play the video and breathe along with me. It just takes a minute. See you on the other side.
I hope that leaves you feeling just a little bit better than when we got started. Sometimes in the hurry, and the push to be our output, we forget where we end and the deliverables begin. This technique can help you remember where you are. I use it often to find my body after long stints producing ideas and working in my head. Sometimes, I forget to feed and water and otherwise care for my physical vehicle, and this little check in can make a big impact. It not only helps me to slow down and consider my physical constraints, these tiny breaks also increase my capacity. I just have to remember to check in with this process BEFORE the body is exhausted–at that point you probably just need a rest, not a check in.
TOOLSday Recipes and Community
Honor yourself all the way through today, Friends. We’re all in this together. Please connect with us here on our blog, our YouTube channel and our social media. These tips come around in various forms every Tuesday–I mean TOOLSday.
Do you have a breathing technique that you like to use to find yourself? I would love to hear about it. Feel free to comment and respond. Or tell us if you tried this one, and how you felt before or after. Tales of mystery and weird coincidences are always welcome and appreciated! See you in the comments…
Today I want to invite you to try a non-toxic toothpaste
as a self-care tool.
Welcome to Whole Self Unity where our goal is becoming whole together.
Homemade Tooth Paste
In a jar combine:
2 tbsp baking soda
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp water
10 drops essential oils of your choice is optional
Your choice of Essential Oils can be added, but are optional.
Warm the coconut oil until soft, which happens around 74-76 degrees, add the rest of the ingredients. Stir everything until smooth and is the consistency of a thick paste. Your toothpaste is ready to use, yes, it’s that simple.
There are several variations to this that I have tried. Once I didn’t have coconut oil and simply used baking soda, water, and a little sea salt. This would be great if you are allergic to coconut, or simply don’t have it.
Also, I prefer less salt, but you make it how you want to. Your turn to be creative and have fun with it.
Follow our Youtube channel for many more recipes and other self-care ideas you could add to your toolbox.
Connect with us on FB or check out Whole Self Unity to learn more about us and how we are trying to help support you and your well-being.