Reiki Classes for Women with Cancer: Wellness Scholarships

Reiki Classes for Women with Cancer: Wellness Scholarships

Reiki Classes for Women with Cancer: Wellness Scholarships are being funded now for Reiki class offerings in 2024. Come read about the fundraising campaign and find out more. A woman you know might benefit from a scholarship nomination. She might even be you!


Empowering Resilience is our Giving Tuesday 2023 fundraising campaign. We are raising funds to offer scholarships for women on a cancer journey and their allies. Recipients can use these funds to access nutrition coaching [link], clarity catalyst [link] (a scientifically-based mindfulness workshop), and Reiki classes. Our programs are offered online in real-time (not recorded), and we meet in brief sessions over varying amounts of time.

Watch our 60-second video for an overview. Check recent blog posts highlighting the fundraiser and Giving Tuesday to find out more, or visit our campaign here to donate. You can also text CANCERSUX to 44321 anytime to donate from your phone.

Please take a moment to discover why this campaign matters to us and how your generosity will help others.

We need to catch up on our targeted goals and could use your help! It is a simple process, and small donations are very welcome. Send us $5, or make a more generous offer. We are grateful for your support. Your generosity will make a difference in lives. Thank you.

Campaign Overview

The Empowering Resilience campaign is Whole Self Unity’s primary 2023 fundraiser. We are a 501C3 nonprofit organization. The purpose is to collect funds so that women on a cancer journey and their allies can access self-care classes in the coming year. In addition to Reiki classes, we offer Nutrition Coaching and mindfulness training through Clarity Catalyst (links provided later).

Our campaign is active from November 12, 2023 (our organization’s birthday!) through January 3, 2024, with a push for donations on Giving Tuesday. If you are finding out about this and Giving Tuesday has come and gone, it is not too late to add your support!

We hope sharing our coming attractions will inspire you to:

  1. give generously to our campaign,
  2. apply for or nominate someone for a wellness scholarship,
  3. attend a Reiki class with us next year (calendar link coming soon!) OR
  4. all of the above.

Women on a Cancer Journey and their Allies

Our wellness scholarships are also for women supporting those on a cancer journey as caregivers, support systems, and healing sounding boards. We call this out specifically because we want to help those healing from a cancer diagnosis AND the team of loved ones surrounding each patient, making the healing road possible. Cancer affects far more than the body, and we believe that offering tools to improve self-care benefits all facing the seriousness of this disease.

We also recognize that the work of procedures, scans, treatments, surgeries, and medications is plenty to do at the peak of treatment. Therefore, we do not stipulate when someone is eligible for these scholarships. In fact, we will primarily be seeing our recipients after most of the medical treatments are complete, and the healing process is about adjusting to a new life on the other side of the journey.

Wellness Scholarships

Our organization offers access to integrative and holistic therapies as an addition to medical care. We concentrate on facilitating connection to other like-minded individuals, fostering growth from the techniques and tools we work with, and connecting in community with others. We offer these services online, in real-time (not recorded), to all interested in the experience.

Each practitioner offers these services at a discounted rate as part of our commitment to increasing access and exposure to these tools for those who otherwise might not be able to afford them. With the help of generous donations, we hope to offer scholarships that further defray these costs or provide classes for free.

Cancer is hard enough and always taps the ones on the healing journey physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. We hope to raise $2,000 to defray costs for qualified applicants. We urgently seek your help to accomplish this goal.

Follow this link to access our campaign to donate now, or text CANCERSUX to 44321 to donate from your phone.

Reiki Classes and Scholarships

We offer two primary ways to learn Reiki as part of the Wellness Scholarship campaign: Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II. If someone needs access to Reiki sessions and does not want to learn Reiki, this is also available as an option. In addition, if an applicant is already a Reiki practitioner, we have additional offerings that could be accessed using this scholarship on a case-by-case basis (as funds allow).

Reiki I is a beginning class that meets weekly for a month. Meetings are 3 hours long via Zoom and include weekly practical assignments to help solidify skills. This level of Reiki is primarily about giving yourself Reiki daily to strengthen your immune system and encourage contemplation of intentions that drive our thoughts, words, and actions.

Reiki II is an intermediate Reiki class that teaches skills needed to hold positive energy for others–allowing students to offer Reiki sessions to friends and loved ones. Part of this training is also about offering distance healing sessions and excellent techniques for an online class. This class requires six sessions, which may be provided weekly for six weeks or every other week over three months.

Reiki Classes for Women with Cancer: Wellness Scholarship Nominations

Many hands come together to make a big heart.If you are interested in applying for a Wellness Scholarship or want to nominate someone else, then please follow this link to begin that process. If you are interested in taking a Reiki Class, please let us know in the form what interests you or your loved one.

Remember that we are interested in those who are or have been diagnosed with cancer of any form (whether they await treatment, are in treatment, or have completed treatment). Outcomes are unimportant to us, as we know the tools and techniques we teach can and will be helpful at any time–before, during, or after treatment–regardless of treatment or medical outcomes.

In addition, if you are part of the support team for someone navigating cancer, especially if that loved one is no longer with us, we want you to access these essential self-care and self-love tools. Again, we are unconcerned about outcomes, results, or where you and your loved one are on the journey. We are more concerned with supporting and offering respite to all affected by this disease.

Once our fundraising campaign is complete, this nomination form will remain open until funds are no longer available or all 2024 classes are full.

Reiki Intention Bowl

Since this is a post about Reiki, one thing in our campaign is more explanation. Our $25 donation level qualifies donors to place intentions in a 33-day Reiki intention bowl. Our practitioners will give this bowl a continuous flow of Reiki energy 24 hours a day. It is a beautiful way to release worries to the universe for resolution with love and Reiki. At the time of donation, we will collect names for dedications or memorials. However, we will also send a form allowing donors to place up to 3 intentions in the bowl.

If you cannot donate but want to leave an intention in this bowl, contact me at


Thank you for reading! I hope you learned more about our Empowering Resilience Wellness Scholarship campaign. Please consider donating to defray the costs of self-care therapies, workshops, and classes for women on a cancer journey and their allies. Text CANCERSUX to 44321 to donate now OR follow this link. We need your help!

If you cannot donate now but know someone (even yourself!) who could benefit from a Wellness Scholarship or a Reiki Class or treatment, please use this link to fill out the nomination form.

Feel free to connect with our socials and check out our calendar to register for Reiki shares, treatments, workshops, and classes. We can’t wait to meet you in heart space!

Thank you for making this campaign successful. Your generosity means so much to the recipients and the practitioners at Whole Self Unity. Thank you for joining hands with us!

Reiki Classes for Women with Cancer: Wellness Scholarships

Empowering Resilience: wellness scholarship fundraiser

Join our wellness scholarship fundraiser. Cancer brings disruption to bodies, families, households, and communities. We know this because the pain and uncertainty of a diagnosis–of a loved one, a friend, or oneself–touches all of us in one way or another. Suppose you or a loved one have already navigated the chaos of diagnosis, treatment, or recovery. In that case, you know precisely why our self-care tools are essential for those on this journey. 

This quick video provides an overview of our current fundraising campaign, why it matters, and how the scholarships we are offering can help.

The video above introduces our Giving Tuesday campaign to raise funds for wellness scholarships for women with cancer and their allies. Those who need or want holistic self-care tools to help them navigate a cancer journey will be able to qualify for free or reduced-cost services.

Help us raise the funds to offer wellness scholarships for tools like:

  • mindfulness,
  • nutrition coaching, and
  • healing practices.

Ready to give? Follow the link to our GiveLively Campaign to donate.

Empowering Resilience: wellness scholarships for women on a cancer journey and their allies.

We hope we inspire you to join our wellness scholarship fundraiser.

If you or a loved one has ever navigated a cancer journey, you know why this is needed. If you can donate, we hope we can earn your support. When you are ready, text CANCERSUX at 44-321 and follow the link sent to your phone.

If you cannot donate now, we hope we earn your click, share, or subscribe/follow. Bring your friends. Spread the word. Grow the love. (And connect with us HERE if you are ready to start volunteering your gifts to others in the community. We need you!)

WHAT: Wellness Scholarships to Boost Holistic and Self-Care Tools

We offer live online programs on various holistic and self-care topics. 

  1. Online Reiki Classes in live groups, with teachers to answer questions, encourage, and help you through the “homework.”
  2. One-on-one Nutrition Coaching program that will help you be more mindful of your eating patterns and goals.
  3. Clarity Catalyst is a series that presents science-based approaches to learning mindfulness in a group setting.

These programs will occur multiple times over 2024 (some more than others) and are available to the general public. As part of our charitable mission, our providers offer discounted rates for services through Whole Self Unity compared to their regular offerings.

One goal of this wellness scholarship fundraiser is to offer free access to these online programs to qualified applicants. We would like to have all applicant needs met for any program(s) they wish to attend. However, Whole Self Unity may reduce scholarship amounts to serve more recipients.

WHO: Supporting Women on their Cancer Journey and Their Allies

Cancer patients often have too many demands on them just getting to medical appointments. In other words, we help those healing through a diagnosis. However, we also recognize that one more appointment on the calendar may be too much at times. We seek those on a cancer journey as their treatments slow, pause, or even after they have all ended. Yet, we welcome participants as THEY feel ready.

There are allies around the person diagnosed with cancer who could use a little help at times. These folks are helping support by providing meals, cleaning, transportation, emotional strength, and more. These allies often get exhausted and don’t think they can also seek support.

Our wellness scholarships are available to those walking intimately with cancer (the patients) and those helping (allies).

When faced with challenging work, we sometimes confuse continuous effort with continuous progress. With endurance challenges, pausing for self-care is faster in the end than pushing forward without needed rest. Healing is a marathon, and we teach about mindful pauses.

Our tools benefit anyone navigating life’s demands. We teach and reinforce techniques to nourish the body, mind, heart, and spirit. This self-care  eventually leads to living in a balanced center as we navigate fulfilling lives.

We want women who need self-care tools to have access them no matter their role. In addition, we want women who are recovering from their cancer journey to access our services as well. Cancer-free for eight years? We see that you are still healing, and we welcome you as an applicant.

Holistic techniques make a beautiful addition to medical care for the body, allowing healing to spread to the mental and emotional parts of the self.

WHEN: Donate to our Wellness Scholarship Fundraiser from November 12, 2023, through January 3, 2024 – Extra LOVE to Giving Tuesday

Many hands come together to make a big heart.This fundraising campaign takes place around Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a day committed to global generosity. In the United States, it is the Tuesday after Black Friday (a day that follows US Thanksgiving and kicks off the holiday shopping season). Thanksgiving in the US is on the 4th Thursday of the month, so Giving Tuesday is sometimes in December and sometimes in November. This year, it is on November 28, 2023.

If you have an employer who will match your gifts on Giving Tuesday, we would love for you to consider us as you look for the place to direct your employer’s charitable contribution!

However, if you miss us that day, don’t worry! Our wellness scholarship fundraiser is ongoing from our organization’s birthdate (November 12) through the beginning of 2024. Since we are an online organization, we want to ensure you can access the campaign whenever it suits you until January 3, 2024. 

We are a 501C3 nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible (as the law allows). When you donate through our crowd-funding platform, you will receive an immediate thank you letter and a receipt that provides all the documentation you need to claim a charitable donation on your US taxes. Once the campaign ends, you will receive a follow-up e-mail with the links to claim your free thank-you gifts, depending on your donation level. Thank you for considering us!

WHERE and HOW (CALLS to ACTION): Online Platform and Community Engagement

Participating in our wellness scholarship fundraiser is easy, and you don’t have to donate to lend a hand. Here are some quick ways to help. (Many won’t cost you a cent!)

  1. The fundraiser is all online and accessible by link at any time.
  2. Please help us find other like-minded folks:
    • Share this blog post.
    • Share the campaign on your social media.
  3. Ask all your friends and to text CANCERSUX to 44321!
  4. Connect with us and become part of our fledgling community (we’re lonely in cyberspace without YOU!)
    • Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get our FREE content.
    • Connect with us on socials (buttons in the webpage footer)
    • Please fill out the Contact form and let us know your thoughts.
    • Join our mailing list (near the bottom of the page). Thank you for joining our community!
  5. When you are ready to donate, dedicate your donation to your favorite honoree–especially those who continue to journey through cancer or are no longer with us. These honor donations make great holiday gifts.
  6. If you cannot donate, we offer a 33-day Reiki intention bowl. Follow this link to add your healing intentions for yourself, or others to our community efforts.
  7. PLEASE help us connect with scholarship recipients. Suggest yourself, your qualifying friends, family, loved ones, or colleagues by filling out a nomination form.
  8. If you want to raise scholarship funds for a loved one, contact Put UNLOCK TEAM FUNDRAISING in the subject line. Then let us know if you want to form a team and who you are fundraising for (name your team!). We’ll unlock this feature for you and send you instructions on how to get started.

Thank you for your time! Please Join Our Wellness Scholarship Fundraiser

Thank you so much for learning more about our fundraising campaign. We hope you will join us in our current cause and mission. We can’t wait to make steps toward everyone’s healing goals WITH you as part of our team.

Library Love!

Library Love!

Love in the Library

Many years ago, Jimmy Buffett wrote a song called “Love in the Library” about two people who would never talk, just exchanged glances in the library. I love that song. But I never thought my own version of falling in love in the library would come true.

I’ve always loved books, reading and learning. I even worked in the library once.  (Sidenote, working in a library when you’re going to school is a great way to get paid to study!)

But I never thought I would find my own love in the library. Honestly, I never even occurred to me to go to the library to look for love.

A few years ago after moving to a new town and parking in the library parking lot almost every day – the library and the dog park share a parking lot – I thought maybe I should go into the library.  Just to see what they had to offer.

The entrance to our library is nothing special. Sliding doors, small pile carpet, bathrooms, a few meeting rooms, a sleepy security guard, and of course plenty of books. There is one beautiful glass sculpture hanging on the ceiling. It’s a Chihuly. An amazing artist, if you don’t know about his gorgeous artworks and pieces of glass, I highly encourage you to look him up.

But this is just an ordinary library. Nothing special, just a good ole fashion public library. 

Soon I found myself wandering through the stacks, looking at books, checking out different authors, holding the books and it became like a love affair.  I love sitting at the library reading, watching the different people come in and out what they chose to read or sit and do. The people watching with books. It was magical. 

My introverted self loves a quite space and a library where your voice must remand quite it perfect for me.  So back to this love affair.  It started with books. Other people’s stories and idea, some real, some made-up and some you just don’t know.  All these books with some much knowledge and emotion. All put together in neat little shelves and waiting for people to read and share.  But the love of book was only amplified by being a part of this space where so many people came to read or just be. 

The day I notice my own personal love affairs with the library, was the same as some many before and after it.  I was there to “work”, but after a bit of time I just needed to stretch my legs and move.  As I walked around the library, I notice so much good and love in the humans around me.  Some read the newspaper in semi-recliner and others upright at desks clicking away at laptops.  So much collective humanness all in a one space for so many different reasons and purposes. I was a wonderfully interesting energetic collective.

Really the love affair was not only with the millions of stories the books on the shelves but with the people; how they enjoyed the stories and used this average public library for their own personal sanctuary.  The love of people coming together to use a space and share different opinions, thoughts, and feelings.  But doing it in a calm, quiet and pleasant way with each other.  The love affair brings me hope for what could be.

I hope you create a love affair that brings you internal peace, love and joy just like my library does for me.


We are all Stressed out – Now What?

Stress Sucks! I’ve never heard anyone say, “I cannot wait to be stressed out today!” or “I’m so excited out all the stress I’m under”. Have you? Well, probable not. That because we all know stress sucks!

The more people I coach, the more I get the same answer – “well stress is just part of life, and we have to get used to it.” Does that feel like a good answer? Because I don’t like it at all.

Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It makes us feel out of control. The stress may cause physical, emotional or psychological strain on us. While stress, like some many of our amazing mind and body responses, was originally designed to cause awareness and help keep us safe. But in today’s world stress has taken on a life of it own.

According to the American Psychological Association, more than 70% of adults have some significant form of stress in their life. The last 3 years of a global pandemic certainly have played a key role in the amount of stress people feel. Plus the uncertainly of our economy, politics, mass shootings, healthcare, climate change – just to name a few. And by the way most of the above are external things there is still the everyday stress of life, family, friends, job, cooking, cleaning and living. It can seem overwhelming.

All this stress is probably affecting a lot of things you do every day; including your sleep, your food choices, what you do for fun, how much movement you get and how you feel. These are just a few of the reasons to create stress awareness in your life.

So now that we recognize that stress sucks, and I have totally bummed you out with all the ways stress surrounds you. (sorry about that!). Let’s talk about what do we do or how do we make it better.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another” – William James

Here are my 5 favorite away to help minimize and eliminate stress:
• Guided Mediation
• Connect with other
• Get outside – movement
• Play
• Sleep

Guided Mediation – meditation can be tricky for some. But honestly, I made it so much harder for myself. If you are new to meditation, or getting back into it or even an daily meditator – guided meditation can always help. Many apps have 5-10 minutes free guided meditation. This isa. Great way to meditation without having to be in charge. You get to sit back and have someone else help you clear your mind and guide you to a place of peace.

Connect with other – people, whether it be friends, family or strangers, can be a wonderful stress reducer. You may need to be a bit picky about who those people are, so that it is not causing more stress for you. But the people you can be totally yourself, laugh and share space with can help reduce your stress.



Get outside – Movement – So much of our loves are spend at a desk, or inside. Getting outside, smell the air, seeing the tress and birds, enjoying the sunshine. These are all ways to give you brain a break. You might even take it a step further by incorporating movement going for a walk, or run, a hike, a jog or even a skip. Anything that is just a few moments of movement can help clear our brain and create a few moments of stress relief.



Play – Children never stop playing, they play with boxes, pots and pans, there food, their clothes. They are always playing. But as adult we hardly play with anything. Play does not have to include a jungle gym, but could include anything that bring you joy, that make you laugh and provide you a moment of relief. You can see why play is so important to stress reduction. It is hard as an adult to find ways to play, but in encourage you to try,

Sleep – Is one of my favorite self-care and stress reduction tools. I’m not just talking about a good nap (which I also love); but planning and creating a good night sleep more nights than not. Let me take some planning and experimentation to find what your best sleep routine is. But when you wake up clearheaded you are able to more clearly and concisely look at the day and the to-do list. Without sleep everything can feel overwhelming only creating more stress.

Which one of these ideas are you willing to try? Do you have another way you love to reduce stress, comment below.

Amy Alward

Amy Alward

Amy is autistic and works with an amazing service dog, Rila to bring healing to her clients. 2020 closed her thriving bodywork business where she combined photographic recall of anatomy with advanced sports medicine techniques, and powerful energy practices to provide pain relief, and support of those changing their lives in big ways.

She is offering Reiki sessions online, combining shamanic practices with over 30 years of angelic work for deep, supportive help for those in need. Be ready to change. She is honored to witness your struggle and facilitate your becoming whole.

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