Distance Reiki WORKS

Amy (Reiki Nomad)
Amy (Reiki Nomad)

Unity Reiki Master and surfer in the universal flow of energy. Bodyworker, service dog handler, and co-founder of Whole Self Unity.

The times we live in, Friends, they are enough to make a Saint throw tantrums. Sheltering in place, business closures, unemployment, virus, politics, climate change…oh, now I have you all stressed out. Oops. Sorry. At least you know you have come to the right place? Take a breath; I can help.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Reiki is a way to smooth the energy that runs through you and around you. It is a Japanese technique that has been around for about hundred years–longer if you look into ways that “laying on of hands” has been used throughout history. Stress reduction and relaxation are the hallmarks of any Reiki session. Some people get much needed rest from the troubles of daily life; some experience far greater healing.

Stress reduction and relaxation are very healing for the body and the mind. Taking a little break allows the body to reset the immune system, dropping respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, brain waves, and altering hormonal levels in the body. The body gets a much needed break, and returns to the world refreshed. This allows the mind, emotions, and spirit to also come more fully (and mindfully) into wholeness. The result is that Reiki can bring you into better resonance with yourself, and allow all the parts of you to work more effectively on living a good life or solving problems.

Really, you are the healer. I’m honored to witness your transformation when I facilitate this energetic shift for you.

Napping person stretched out on a couch, mostly covered by a blanket.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I know, I know, it sounds like I am describing a nap. A good Reiki session often works like a power nap, but it is a little different:

1) Reiki usually takes you deeper than a nap, with greater healing,

2) Reiki usually works faster than a nap–a 20 min session can feel like a full night’s sleep and

3) Reiki usually works even when you are super keyed up and stressed out. I’ve given sample sessions to people in the middle of bustling, chaotic tents, heard them say they won’t be able to relax there, and heard them snore within 30 seconds. (Although, I call it Reiki purring, not snoring–because going deep enough to fall asleep in a Reiki session just means the Reiki can go deeper).

Okay, so I hope I have convinced you that Reiki sounds nice. That the benefits sound like something you need. That you can grasp how it could help both your body and your mind right now. BUT…you say you don’t want to go into a room with someone new right now? No worries!

Distance Reiki works.

Photo by Fabiano Rodrigues on Pexels.com

Remember when I said that Reiki works with the energy flowing in and around your physical body? The thing about that energy, it isn’t bound by time or space. I can work on you from three time zones away, tomorrow, and you will still experience the effects. I promise. But we can start a little easier–I can give you Reiki over the phone, over zoom, over Facebook Live. We don’t need to share air or swap microbes during global pandemic for Reiki to help you restore balance and harmony in your life right now.

I know that is a lot to process. And it sounds too good to be true. Believe me, I get it. I and many other Reiki practitioners had loads of inner tantrums as the pandemic closed our businesses, and curtailed our community activities. We wanted to keep doing business face to face as we had been. From our study and practice, we know that Reiki is very effective on distance healings, but just like the rest of the world, we wanted our world to move forward without changing. That’s pretty normal. We’re all moving through the loss of our old communities and ways of life right now. Wanting to throw a tantrum and needing time to grieve is SUPER normal right now.

Recently, I held a Distance Reiki Share. That means several Reiki practitioners gathered via Zoom and gave each other Reiki. That evening I heard, “wow! that really works!” and “I could feel it just like I was in the room with you!” several times. I even found myself saying similar things. I think, in our grief, we had forgotten how effective Distance Reiki can be (even though we KNEW better). We were all feeling a little guilty that we had needed to send to one another, and had been too wrapped up in the tantrum to just get to work via Distance. What can I say? We’re all human. And the unwelcome interruption of the virus has effected us all.

Still, if I had to have this experience to really remember how potent, and present Distance Reiki is and can be–my guess is there are many others out there who also need a reminder. Or even others who have never experienced Distance Reiki, and are very skeptical. Tell you what, let’s just give it a try. Be bold enough to come experiment with me online.


Follow this link, and like my Reiki Nomad Facebook page or the Whole Self Unity Facebook page. I offer Live meditations and Reiki regularly. In fact, here is a link to a recent Reiki Share . Let’s just see if it helps you. What have you got to gain? Reset. Health. Wholeness. A calmer outlook. And much more.

In light of the pandemic, I am moving my business primarily online. That means I will be teaching Reiki and Self-Healing Classes online. There will be weekly Reiki Shares for practitioners/students and for all community members (no need to know anything about Reiki). I will also be offering Distance Reiki Sessions: 30, 60, and 90 minutes via Skype, Zoom, or Messenger. Let me know when you are ready to help yourself, and I will be honored to witness your transformation. Yes. It really works.

Namaste, Friends.

-Amy (Reiki Nomad)

Amy Alward

Emerge Guided Healing

Holy Fire Karuna and Usui/Holy FIre Reiki Master Teacher. Traveling the interwebs to share Reiki, shamanic practices, and massage healing to clients far and wide. Thinking about classes? Connect with Reiki Nomad on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. Online offerings can be found through Whole Self Unity.

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