It is through your donation that we serve underserved populations so everyone can achieve Whole Self Unity.
larger dreams ahead
As we begin this work together, we look forward to adding in-person offerings to our primarily online approach. Our dreams are to expand into in-person services through a mobile response team, and a retreat center. This may be a long road, but we wanted to share those thoughts with you here.
The mobile response team will be able to respond to natural disasters and other crisis centers–sending teams of volunteers to provide support and aid to those experiencing trauma. This team may also have scheduled journeys to inner cities, reservations, or places where access to holistic therapies is limited.
Dreaming about the retreat/healing center has also begun. We imagine a sizeable, permaculture plot of land that will work with the environment. Flowing streams or springs to water a large organic garden. Labyrinths, vortex walks, and meditation stops for self-discovery and introspection. Indoor and outdoor classrooms for gathering. Treatment rooms. Meditation spaces. Tiny house accommodations for visitors.
We hope you see our dreams as clearly as we do, and are inspired to join us on this journey of discovery.
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