Getting Back to Sleep with Reiki – Insomnia Help

Better Sleep–something we all need right now.  Insomnia is a product of our uncertain and changing times.  We can cope with it.  Here are some tips for getting the rest you deserve.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia, according to WebMD, is a trouble falling or staying asleep.  It can happen to many of us at times (short term), or plague some over the long term.  Doctors classify insomnia as either primary (no underlying health-related causes) or secondary (caused by physical issues like depression, asthma, arthritis, heartburn, etc.).  In other words, sometimes your body keeps you awake because it doesn’t feel well, and sometimes your mind is unable to rest.

Insomnia causes

Photo by Mat Brown from Pexels

Causes of primary insomnia include things like stress (hello 2020!), environment (light in the room, noise), and temporary physical issues (jetlag).  Depression and anxiety (oh, hello again, 2020!) are considered causes of secondary insomnia.  If you are trying desperately to sleep, looking up this article at dark-thirty, I can offer some tips, and you can talk to your medical provider later. The Sleep Foundation also points out that things like irregular sleep schedule or poor nutrition can be causes of insomnia as well.  If you haven’t figured it out yet, our unpredictable lives during the pandemic of 2020, and the uncertainty now is a ripe environment for losing sleep. If you’re tired…you aren’t alone.  Also, if you’re trying hard to cope, lack of sleep is just making that harder.  So let’s get back to sleep.


Taryn Elliott at Pexels

Here are some recommendations suggested by both WebMD and the Sleep Foundation on how to deal with your insomnia:

  1. Get a consistent sleep schedule–wake up at the same time.
  2. Get some exercise–physical activity helps you rest better.
  3. Disconnect from electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
  4. Get comfortable:  emphasize relaxation (lavender essential oil, vetiver balls/mats, and hops pillows can help).
  5. Avoid foods that create distress in your body.  You may wish to limit or avoid caffeine or alcohol.
  6. Wind down gently before bedtime (read a paper book, meditation, a warm bath, sex).
  7. If insomnia continues, keep a sleep diary and talk to your doctor.

As a Reiki practitioner, who also has Autism/ADHD/PTSD, I regularly use my Reiki to curtail stress, anxiety, depression and all the sleeplessness these things can cause.

Reiki Can Help

The Sleep Foundation has published information on relaxation, and how to put yourself into an environment designed to aid falling and staying asleep–including meditation, mindfulness, and consciously breathing.

Rainer Eck at Pexels

Practitioners and teachers have offered testimonials to the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) about how their students began to sleep better right after taking an initial Reiki class.  Another student of William Rand wrote an article for Psychology Today about how her Reiki practice helped her sleep more soundly. That’s all well and good, and I hope those of you reading this in the middle of the night will consider us for an online Reiki class when you are ready. If you aren’t ready to learn Reiki, maybe it is time to attend a Reiki Share and try a little Reiki or learn more about it.  We have regular Reiki Shares on Tuesdays, 5-6:30pm pacific time. Reach out to a Reiki practitioner to receive a session.  We do have practitioners available for online services, and Reiki works very well this way.  If you live where personal services are safe to receive, feel free to reach out and book with a local practitioner–but know that distance services will be just as effective.

This meditation is infused with Reiki, by me (Amy).  Just click here, and let the meditation play.
Close your eyes.
Sleep well.

Let us know how it goes.

Amy Alward

Emerge Guided Healing

Holy Fire Karuna and Usui/Holy FIre Reiki Master Teacher. Traveling the interwebs to share Reiki, shamanic practices, and massage healing to clients far and wide. Thinking about classes? Connect with Reiki Nomad on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. Online offerings can be found through Whole Self Unity.

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