Whole Self Unity offering Nutrition Coaching

As a co-creator of Whole Self Unity I am very proud of what we have created so far and we are just getting started.

What is Whole Self Unity you ask? 

Whole Self Unity is a nonprofit organization which helps individuals who need access to online and limited in-person integrative healing through services, community, and our practitioner network.  Our programs specifically combine these approaches to offer connection and healing benefits to all.

Healing is about all aspects of self: empowering, improving, and becoming more unified.  It is an ideal of improving not just physical health, but quality of life.  We seek to extend the longevity of our clients in a way that allows them to fully thrive in their life. Check out  Whole Self Unity to learn more about this organization

Who am I?

My name is Moana Schwertsik and I am a cranio sacral and polarity practitioner and have owned my own business for the past 10 years. The journey to becoming an alternative practitioner started when I was looking for ways to ease my chronic pain and restriction of movements. 

As I was trying my way through different options I stumbled upon cranio sacral therapy. This was a turning point for me as it resolved many of my issues. This I had to learn for myself and years later here we are.

Of course the healing journey doesn’t ever really end, there are so many layers to our wellbeing.  

One important aspect of our lives is nutrition and I have realized and experienced many shifts by changing what I eat. Realizing the importance of nutrition to our path to wellness I have added nutrition coaching to my offerings for my clients.

Why is Nutrition so Important?

Recognizing that we are what we eat, meaning that how we nourish our bodies today will turn into building blocks for our cells tomorrow.  Our bodies are very complex and every aspect of us needs to be tended to.  It is very difficult to navigate all the different studies we are bombarded with (often done by large companies who try to sell you a product).  Grocery stores offer what they think they can sell (not always what is best for you). It can very easily become overwhelming to learn and understand what it is we need to thrive and stay strong and healthy.  I urge you not to wait until you become sick, but to start now to support your body in becoming healthier with a strong immune system.

My mission is to empower people in their wellness process toward a life of wellness and joy. And this is an opportunity to give you the tools needed to change habits and maintain a sense of well being.

Thank You

If you are interested in making some changes to your habits you are welcome to join me. I am offering my nutrition coaching program through Whole Self Unity right now.

During this campaign I am offering this program to 10 people at a discounted rate of $100/mo.  

I you are interested or want more information please contact me: moana@wholeselfunity.org and we can set up a free 15 min. consultation.

Thank you to all who have already donated, you are changing lives.  This fundraiser is about realizing that not one size fits all and access to funding can be difficult.  There is still time to donate, any amount is greatly appreciated. We at Whole Self Unity have created a bridge for those with interest in health related issues to have access to treatment and education.  If you are interested in applying for the wellness scholarship please contact info@wholeselfunity.org.

Moana Schwertsik

Renew CranioSacral Therapy

Moana Schwertsik is an experienced CranioSacral and board certified polarity practitioner. She has practiced with chiropractors and businesses in the Los Angeles area, and is now engaged in private practice through her own business in the Coachella Valley, Renew Craniosacral Therapy. Lastly she has been offering Distance Healing sessions online to reach clients in different areas. Moana is co-creator of Whole Self Unity. Her mission is to empower people in their wellness process toward a life of balance and joy. Click Here to Learn More

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